Are you part of the aging generation today? On the hunt for a skincare regimen, that's right for you? Mature and aging skin have special needs and I've rounded up 7 tips to help you build the perfect skincare regimen! …Continue Reading
Have You Heard Of Oil Pulling? Things You Need To Know
Oil pulling for better oral health? The concept is fast becoming a trend yet it is not something new. The origin of oil pulling dates back to as far as 3, 000 years ago, and is rooted from a traditional Indian system called Ayurvedic medicine. With its popularity, I have here a list of things you should know. …Continue Reading
Bridal Skin Care Checklist For A Glowing Complexion
Congratulations on your big day! Bridal skin care should be on top of your list as you prepare to walk down the aisle and marry your sweetheart. …Continue Reading
How To Shrink Pores | Effective & Natural Ways To A Youthful Skin
How to shrink pores is probably one of the most common concerns of both men and women. Large pores are unsightly and they’re not exactly looked upon as beautiful. …Continue Reading
Your Homecoming Makeup Will Look Stunning With This Skin Care Steps
It's the start of another school year and that means another event to look forward to - the homecoming dance! If you're thinking of attending this event, it’s high time you think about what you’re doing for your makeup. …Continue Reading