Lucy Hale is known for her memorable role on Pretty Little Liars, but another thing she is known for is her epic bob hairstyles. No one and i mean no one can pull of a bob hairstyle like Lucy can. Don't believe me? Check out these images below and see for yourself! Blond Bombshell | Lucy rarely goes light with her haircolor, but when she does it is absolutely stunning. …Continue Reading
Easy Ariana Grande Makeup Tutorial
Ariana Grande is one of the hottest female acts today so I thought it’s about time for an Ariana Grande Makeup Tutorial. Sexy and Feminine Ariana Grande Makeup Tutorial Ariana Grande not only has superb singing prowess but she also has such a pretty face to boot. No wonder her singles are on the charts and her beauty looks are always copied by girls around the world. From her …Continue Reading
American Music Awards 2016: Best and Worst Makeup Look
The recently concluded American Music Awards 2016 brought us some of the biggest and the brightest stars in the music industry here's what I thought about their looks. …Continue Reading
Chrissy Teigen Beauty Secrets Revealed! Get Perfect Glowing Skin Like Hers Now
How do you become Chrissy Teigen? Learn 9 Chrissy Teigen beauty secrets that can provide glowing, smooth, and fresh skin! I don't want to lie. The past few days I've been trying to learn Chrissy Teigen beauty secrets through her interviews, social media, etc., and mind you, I've learned a lot! Now I am no longer surprised why she has such a really beautiful, …Continue Reading
10 Times Priyanka Chopra Killed It In Hair & Beauty Department
If you know who Priyanka Chopra is then you probably know that she is the star of the highly-rated FBI series, "Quantico." …Continue Reading