Once we reach puberty our skin will definitely change and we will all be acne-prone at some point.
What should we do about it? The secret to a clear and pimple free face is by leaving it clean before going to bed. Applying face mask is another routine that you can add. And we have a great DIY that you can follow!
DIY Face Mask For Acne Prone Skin
What do you need?
[instagram url=https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm6iY41BlFr/ hidecaption=true width=625]
What to do?
Step 1.
Combine all the ingredients together and mix thoroughly until reaching an almost liquid texture.
Step 2.
Enjoy applying the mixture to the face and leave it on for 15 minutes.
Step 3.
Rinse off then apply this Avene Clean-Ac to the face.
Enjoy your first step to a clear and bright skin!
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