Are you a slave of your glasses? Makeup Tutorials | Makeup With Eyeglasses Wanting to do makeup but is thinking twice because of your glasses? Fear no more! There's no more reason for you not to glam up just because someone is covering your face. Follow this eyeglasses makeup tutorial and be all made up with or without glasses. via juicystar07 How To Do …Continue Reading
Back-to-School Looks
Makeup Tutorials | Running Late Hairstyles
We all have those days where we woke up on the wrong side of the bed. …Continue Reading
Match Your Back to School Outfits With These Gorgeous Makeup Ideas
Are you excited to match your back to school outfits with your gorgeous makeup? If you ask me, now that I am a professional, I would love to go back to school. I know, I can't believe it either. …Continue Reading
Cute Back to School Makeup Tutorial
It's back to school time and there's no better way to greet the new school year with a simple, yet beautiful back to school makeup look! Want to learn how? We've got the steps right here! Easy Back To School Makeup Tutorial This is a brand new year to learn and meet new friends. But before school starts, do some preparation by experimenting on new back to school makeup looks. …Continue Reading
Cute College Outfit Ideas To Match Your Natural Makeup
Summer is almost over and that means one thing - the start of classes. You've heard it right, girls. It's high time to put away your summer outfits and prepare for another fun and fashionable school year. To make an impression on your first day in class, here are cute college outfit ideas to match your natural makeup. …Continue Reading