If you're anything like me, at some point you may have gotten a little too happy with the tweezers and ended up with over plucked brows. The bad thing is, thinner brows age you; the good news is that they grow back! Eyebrows are extremely important because they can essentially change your facial features. The trick is finding the right shape, and size for your face. Learn …Continue Reading
The Perfect Eyebrow Shapes to Fit Every Face
With just the right amount of eyebrow liner and an eyebrow shape that perfectly fits the face, a woman can definitely take the world by storm. In fact, even if you are too lazy to be ultimately gorgeous, a few minutes on your eyebrows can make you look your best effortlessly. With all these and more, there’s no need to wonder why there’s this big fuzz about perfecting those …Continue Reading
Tips for Wearing Makeup with Glasses
Makeup with glasses can get a bit frustrating, if you're not a makeup pro. With your eyes behind the glasses it is a great excuse not to put on any makeup. …Continue Reading
Makeup Tutorials | Waterproof Your Makeup
Does hot and humid weather deter you from wanting to put makeup on? …Continue Reading
Classic Audrey Hepburn Makeup Tutorial
Don't we all just love and adore Audrey Hepburn? …Continue Reading