The key to having absolutely gorgeous hair is not rocket science. In fact, achieving healthy hair is simple and easy-to-do. I got the answers for you right here! These are healthy hair tips for strong, shiny, and healthy hair every day…
A lot of women dream of having the perfect locks. Of course, to achieve this, there are a lot of steps and tips to follow or even products to use. Good thing, I’ve rounded up some healthy hair tips to help you out. These tips will surely bring back your hair’s glow, shine, and health.
10 Healthy Hair Tips For Strong, Shiny Hair
Hair, locks, or tresses – no matter how you call your crowning glory, it needs one important thing – proper care. When we talk about caring for the hair, it would entail visiting the salon every now and then for treatments that aim to restore hair health. However, besides salon treatments, there are many healthy ways to achieve shinier and healthier hair and these can be done at home without spending a hefty amount of money.
Healthy hair tips are all over the internet, television, and even print ads but which ones are the most essential? Well, I decided to write today about healthy hair tips I personally tried and tested. These are very simple and easy to follow.
1. Deal With Wet Hair Carefully

It is important to know that wet hair is very fragile and breaks easily. So, be very careful when dealing with wet hair. When the hair is wet, both the shaft and roots are prone to damage. Hence, be careful when shampooing your hair and avoid brushing right after a shower. Use a wide-tooth hair brush to prevent hair damage and hair fall, instead.
2. Don’t Shampoo Your Hair Every Day

Shampooing your hair daily may strip the hair of natural oils. As a result, the body might produce more oils which may lead to greasy and oily hair. One of the healthy hair tips recommended by experts is to wait a day or two before washing or shampooing your hair.
3. Use Conditioners Properly
Conditioners are meant to lock in moisture in the hair shaft. Apply your conditioner on the hair shaft and not on your scalp. For better results, apply it about two inches away from the scalp. Too much conditioner on the scalp may lead to greasy and oily hair.
4. Get A Trim

One of the enemies of women today is split ends. Many salon treatments promise to eradicate split ends through certain procedures. The cheapest, however, is trimming the ends of your hair. If you can’t do it yourself, you need to go to a hairstylist for this to be done. It’s important to have your hair trimmed every now and then to make sure split ends are managed properly.
5. Wash And Rise With Cold Water
If you want to properly take care of your hair, it’s recommended to stay away from hot showers when rinsing it. This is because hot or warm water affects the hair as much as heating tools like flat irons or curlers do.
6. Coconut Oil Is Your Hair’s Best Friend

Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants and contains antimicrobial properties. When it’s used on the hair, it helps improve scalp health, reduce the risk of infection like dandruff and fungus and support hair growth. One important benefit of coconut oil on hair is added volume, moisture, and shine. You can use it as a conditioner, hair wax or even as a treatment for dandruff.
7. Avoid Tight Hair Ties
If you are one of those girls who are fond of tying your hair in a tight ponytail, you are damaging your hair follicles and this may lead to hair thinning. It may also lead to a condition called traction alopecia, which is often suffered by those who work with this type of hairstyle such as ballerinas and nurses. You can avoid this by loosening up your ponytail, tying your hair lightly when it’s dry or if you need to have clean hair at work, try other short hairstyles that are allowed.
8. Avoid Too Much Blow Drying And Heating
Too much of anything is bad, more so with your hair. Today, a lot of students, professionals, and women from all walks of life rely mainly on blow drying to achieve the hairstyle they like. Too much use of heating tools for the hair like blow dryers, flat irons, and heating curlers can eventually damage your hair – leaving you with dry, rough, and unhealthy tresses.
9. Use Clarifying Shampoo Once A Month
Using a clarifying shampoo at least once a month can help save your chemically-treated hair. All the products we use today are tainted with various chemicals. Using a clarifying shampoo will get rid of chemical build up on the scalp and hair. This would lead to healthier and softer locks.
10. Watch Your Diet

A lot of people say that what you eat will eventually show through your body, skin and even your hair. When you eat healthy foods, you nourish your body and hair with the needed nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants. This will lead to healthier, softer, and shinier hair. Iron and protein are essential for hair growth. Eating foods less in these two nutrients may lead to hair loss.
Did you learn more about healthy hair tips? For more tips, watch this video by ROSEBUD:
Achieving healthier hair is indeed simple and easy with these healthy hair tips. Are you going to try these tips? If yes, you’re on the road to having healthy, shiny, and stronger hair.
What do you think of these healthy hair tips? I really hope you’ve learned some good stuff. Let me know in the Comments section. You may also want to try these too.
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